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The Foundation of Praise

As we spend time in the Word and learn more about God, our love for Him deepens. Psalm 103:1-22

Whenever the psalmists penned songs of worship, they spoke about the Lord’s specific attributes or actions. These songs were compiled into the book we now call Psalms, and the collection can be seen as a biography of God—one that relies upon the language of praise to describe and exalt Him.

The ability to worship grows out of love for the Lord. And since genuine love is always cultivated by learning about the other person, the true root of praise is knowledge of the Lord. As we spend time with Him in His Word, discovering new facets of His character deepens both our love for Him and our understanding of why He deserves praise.

In addition, we also learn to know the Lord through our walk with Him. As we observe how He meets our needs and showers us with mercy and compassion, we experience His faithfulness, and our trust in Him increases. Our lives become a display of accumulated praise for His abundant provision, comfort in times of pain, and intervention during adversity. Not only that, but our transformation becomes a testimony of gratitude for the trials and hardships He’s used to shape us into the image of Christ.

Credit to InTouch Ministries

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