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Sermon 1/9/2022: "Baptism--Why?"

Updated: Mar 10, 2022

Scripture: Matthew 3:13-17

Sermon: "Baptism--Why?" by Rev. Dr. Charles Klink

Post-Sermon Meditations:

  1. Jesus was the perfect, sinless sacrifice for our sins.

  2. Understanding baptism, and Jesus' baptism, has always been a challenge, better understood three ways.

  3. A. Dedication to Jesus-->Who is at the center of our life? Who is our focus?

  4. B. Distinction through Jesus-->Jesus became sin for us because of God's love. This allows us to receive the Holy Spirit when we acknowledge and accept that distinction.

  5. C. Direction through Jesus-->Laws weren't eliminating sin from the world, so Jesus brought a new way to eradicate sin. How does baptism help us make that choice to follow Jesus?

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