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God's Good Guidance

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

PSALM 119:105 (NIV)

As an attorney, my job often involves arguing my client’s case before a judge. This requires a lot of time, preparation, thought, and research. Sometimes the judge rules in my client’s favor, but not always. It is disappointing when things don’t go our way, but generally we must accept the judge’s ruling.

I think it is easy for us to approach prayer like an argument before a judge. When we pray, we may try to give God reasons and explanations for why our prayers should be answered a certain way. But no matter how convincing we think our arguments are, if our desires don’t line up with God’s will, we are not likely to get the result that we want. While this may be discouraging for a time, we can trust that God’s ways are higher than our ways. God has all the facts — many of which we may not be aware of. We can be assured that God’s answers are always for our good. And when we trust God’s direction, we will always find the right path.

Credit to The Upper Room

By Valerie Hays (Oklahoma, USA)


Dear God, thank you for your guidance. Help us trust you to lead us to the path you want us to take. Amen.

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