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Fear in Adversity

When we're struggling and afraid, the best thing we can do is put our trust in the One whose sovereignty rules overall. Psalm 56:1-13

It’s impossible to live in this world without ever facing doubt, confusion, or apprehension. The Word of God doesn’t dismiss these concerns. Instead, it tells us what to do when we’re afraid. The best response is to admit your fears to the Lord and trust Him to work out the situation according to His will and timing.

Many people want to hold anyone but God responsible for their adversity—that’s because they can’t reconcile why a good God would allow their situation. What they fail to realize is that the Lord is sovereign over everything, including the events of each believer’s life. And even hardships have a purpose in His plan. They can be tools for strengthening our faith and maturing us spiritually. When we choose to trust the Lord with our fears and uncertainties, we’re promised a better outcome than anything we could have fashioned ourselves (Prov. 3:5-6).

If you’re going through difficulty, remember that God has “taken account of [your] miseries,” and even in these circumstances, He is for you (Ps. 56:8-9). Yield to Him, and let Him accomplish His purposes through your trials. When you trust in God, you have no reason to be afraid.

Credit to In Touch Ministries

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