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David: A Picture of God’s Sovereignty

Even when life doesn’t make sense, we can trust our good and loving heavenly Father.

Sometimes it’s hard to understand God’s purposes for adversity. In the midst of a personal tragedy, the Lord’s sovereignty may seem like a harsh, uncaring theology. But the truth is, God works all things together for the believer’s good (Rom. 8:28).

David’s writings illustrate the importance of trusting in God’s control of all things—no matter how difficult the situation. When he was running for his life from King Saul, the Lord repeatedly spared him and eventually made him king of Israel. And when David’s son died in an attempt to take the throne, God was the king’s support and comfort. Through every affliction, the Lord provided protection and guidance each step of the way. These experiences taught David to trust wholeheartedly in the Lord’s control and goodness.

God exercises perfect control over every event in your life as well—even situations that are difficult and make no sense to you at the time. When you’re going through such things, the psalmists’ writings can bring great comfort. As you read, focus on what each passage reveals about the Lord’s character and faithfulness. When you see the circumstances of your life through that lens, you’ll find great comfort in God’s sovereignty.

Credit to InTouch Ministries

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