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Christian Duties

The church community isn't just for Sundays—it should continually edify our life in Christ. 1 Thessalonians 5:12-15

It may be startling to realize the commands in verse 14 of today’s passage aren’t addressed to church leaders but to “brothers and sisters”—terms used to refer to fellow Christians. How adequate do you feel to “admonish the unruly, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, [and] be patient with everyone”?

Our life in the community of faith isn’t a matter of merely sitting through a worship service each Sunday. Let’s not think of the church as a place but as a group of believers who are “all made to drink of one Spirit” (1 Cor. 12:13). That means being there to comfort the grieving, guide the straying, and encourage those who are weary from their trials.

To accomplish this, we must be willing to listen. It’s easy to give a quick answer before truly understanding someone’s situation. But since the outward problem may be but a symptom of an internal spiritual struggle, it’s wise to be patient. When others are given a chance to share, we can better discern how God wants us to respond.

We should always seek what’s best for one another. In some cases, practical or material help is called for; at other times, it could mean prayer or a willingness to help a person grow spiritually. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you what your role is.

Credit to In Touch Ministries

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