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A Heart for God

How is God's love transforming you? Acts 13:16-22

The Lord described David as “a man after My heart who will do all My will.” Wouldn’t you love to have Him say that about you? Obviously, David wasn’t perfect. In fact, he committed both adultery and murder, yet He loved the Lord and desired to obey Him. What set him apart was the priority he placed on his relationship with the heavenly Father.

David delighted in knowing the Lord and sought Him earnestly. He declared that God’s love was better than life and pledged to praise Him all his days (Ps. 63:3-4). He meditated on His Word and character and often cried out to Him in prayers of desperation, dependence, and trust. Whatever his circumstances, he sought to view them from a God-centered perspective.

The only way to be a person after the Father’s heart is to receive a new heart. And that’s exactly what happens in salvation (Ezek. 36:25-27). If you’re a believer, you have everything you need for cultivating a heart that pursues the Lord. Meditating on God’s character and Word will fuel your delight in Him. And praying as David did will increase your trust so that you depend on God more fully.

Credit to InTouch Ministries

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