Jesus will lead us through life’s joys and sorrows—and into eternity.
In my office is a print of the Lord Jesus standing behind a young man and pointing ahead. Jesus’ hand is on the man’s shoulder, and I imagine Him saying, “This is the way we’re going. I’ll get you to the destination.” Although the road will be marked with both joy and suffering, the Lord leads His followers all the way to their eternal home.
It takes honesty to admit that we’re ill-equipped to go through life alone—in our own strength, limited knowledge, and human reasoning, we simply cannot be sure our decisions are wise. Thankfully, the Lord is willing and able to guide us if we’ll let Him. To fall in step with God, follow His lead by regularly spending time in His Word and applying biblical principles in your life.
For those of us who follow the Lord, eternity in heaven lies just beyond our last heartbeat. And that’s where our Savior is leading us. The path may not be clear to our eyes, but Jesus is guiding us there with a steady and sure hand. Our part is to follow in obedience so that when we reach heaven, we’ll hear the Father say, “Well done” (Matt. 25:21).
Credit to InTouch Ministries