Our souls have been made new in Jesus Christ, and when He returns, our bodies will be made new, too.
2 Corinthians 5:14-21
Who doesn’t like something new, especially if the old is ineffective or flawed? Think about a car or appliance that’s beyond repair—and how we yearn for a new one. But even with the impressive technology of today’s latest models, such replacements can’t compare to our greatest need: a new life.
We’re all born with a sinful nature that has alienated us from God, blinded our minds to spiritual understanding, enslaved us to sin, and condemned us to eternal punishment. But our heavenly Father stepped into our world through His Son to rescue us, and He offers us an entirely new nature. That is what Jesus meant when He talked about our need to be born again (John 3:1-7).
When we trust in Jesus as our Savior, the Holy Spirit regenerates our spirit and we become new creatures in Christ. The person we were before salvation is gone forever; the new has come and will never leave.
The believer’s spirit has been made new, even though the physical body remains unchanged. But when Jesus returns, our bodies will also be made new, freed from sin and all debilitating consequences. Let’s rejoice in this glorious future that awaits us!
Credit to In Touch Ministries