We can respond boldly because God’s power is available to us for each battle we face. 1 Samuel 17:1-58
The Lord wants to build strong faith in us so we can stand firm in His mighty power. He does this by placing us in challenging situations beyond our strength. If we trust in ourselves, we’ll fail. But we will discover God’s great faithfulness if we imitate David’s example from today’s passage:
• Godly motivation. The young shepherd’s desire was to defend the Lord’s name. In our challenges, we must examine our motives to be certain they’re Christ-centered, not self-focused.
• Recognition of the battle’s nature. David’s struggle in the physical realm was against Goliath. But the real battle was spiritual, and so is ours (Eph. 6:12).
• Memory of God’s past faithfulness. David’s confidence was based on the Lord’s power that enabled him to protect his sheep from wild animals. Even if you’re a fairly new Christian, you also have a history of God’s faithfulness to strengthen and encourage you.
• Dependence on the Lord. David didn’t rely on traditional armor or weapons; he trusted the power of God to direct a small stone into the head of Goliath. The One who conquered sin for you will also watch over, strengthen, and care for you in every challenging situation you face. Trust Him.
Credit to InTouch Ministries