In a world that lures us to always want more, we can easily drift into a self-centered mindset.
How did the Prodigal Son’s journey begin? Perhaps he wanted to leave behind the restrictions that come with living under a parent’s roof. Or maybe he wanted money to pursue life’s pleasures with friends. Whatever the case, the prodigal son’s desire emboldened him to prematurely ask for his inheritance and then to abandon home and the things he’d been taught.
A Christian who has turned away from God might follow a similar path. First, we begin with a craving for something other than what we have. The longer we allow the idea to linger, the stronger our desire is to have it—and we eventually find ways to justify what we want. Then, based on that faulty reasoning, we move toward our own self-centered goals. Like the wayward son, we may enjoy the pleasures of the world for a time, but ultimately, we will find ourselves lacking certain essentials: unconditional love, security, and a meaningful purpose for living.
We should understand the reality of our situation: You and I are up against an active Enemy, a world that doesn’t value God, and our own tendency to prefer pleasure over obedience. If we want to avoid self-deception, we must make Scripture the basis for our thought life and choices (Rom. 12:2).
Credit to InTouch Ministries